What is Bitcoin?

Watch this great video by Duncan Elms for a brief introduction.

Video: Bitcoin Explained

Or this video course on khan academny.

Bitcoin: What is it?

What does "estimated money sent" mean?

Bitcoin transactions work by sending change back to yourself. For example if you have a wallet with a previous transaction of 1 bitcoin in it and want to send your friend half of that, your bitcoin client creates a new transaction with 2 destinations – 0.5 btc to your friend and 0.5 btc back to yourself.

But there is no way to know for sure if a transaction has change in it or not. This website has an algorithm that tries to figure out which amounts are change, it does a decent job but it's still a guess.

The total value under the estimate shows you all the money flowing trough the network, including change.

How is the power consumption calculated?

It is based on that calculating 4,000,000,000 hashes in 1 second (4gh/s) consumes 1 joule (=1 watt).

How is the exchange rate calculated?

It is a weighted average from all major bitcoin exchanges.

Where does the data come from?

* Low volume currencies have their price converted from the USD price.

How can i embed a realtimebitcoin widget in my page?

<iframe src="//realtimebitcoin.org/?theme=chaplin&currency=eur" width="600" height="120" frameborder="none"></iframe>

Who made this?

I did! Johan Nordberg. Visit my websitetwittergithub.

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